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Maximizing financial efficiency with automated receivables management

The challenges of manual receivables management

Managing post-move-out receivables can be a complex and time-consuming task for property managers. It involves generating accurate move-out or security deposit statements, often including detailed balances owed, along with tracking down the necessary receipts and photos to support any charges. Many property managers rely on internal staff to follow up with residents for 30 to 60 days. If payments aren’t collected, these accounts are often handed off to collection agencies, which can take up to 50% of the recovered amount. This process is stressful for staff and often yields low success rates, making it essential to consider more efficient solutions like automated receivables management.

The benefits of automation in receivables management

Automation can revolutionize how property managers handle post-move-out receivables, offering unique benefits that go beyond simply streamlining processes:

Automated security deposit statements and balance due

Automation tools, like those from Roost, allow property managers to generate and deliver statements immediately after a tenant moves out via email, mail, and SMS. Including photos and proof of damage helps reduce confusion and minimizes disputes.

Consistent follow-up and reminders

Automation ensures consistent communication with former tenants by scheduling reminders at regular intervals. Roost’s Balance Recovery automates this entire process, from initial invoicing to final reminders, reducing the need for manual follow-up and increasing the chances of timely payments.

Advanced tracking and reporting

Automated systems offer advanced reporting that provides deep insights into receivables management. Property managers can monitor payment statuses in real-time and analyze the effectiveness of their follow-up strategies, enabling continuous process optimization.

Integration with property management systems (PMS)

A key advantage of automation is the ability to integrate seamlessly with existing PMS. This integration eliminates manual data entry and reduces errors, ensuring that all information remains accurate and up-to-date.

Customization and flexibility

Automation tools provide flexibility in managing receivables by allowing shared payments among lease signers and offering flexible payment plans. They can also provide discounts to incentivize full payment before accounts are sent to collections, reducing the need for further action.

Error reduction and compliance

Automated systems significantly reduce human error in calculations, invoicing, and follow-ups while ensuring compliance with local regulations regarding notifications and timelines, protecting the property’s reputation.


As your property portfolio grows, automated receivables management tools scale with you, maintaining efficiency and accuracy across all properties.

Choosing the right automation tools

When selecting automation tools for post-move-out receivables management, consider these key factors:

  • Integration capabilities: Ensure that the tools integrate seamlessly with your existing PMS and other systems like security deposit automation and refund vendors, creating a unified and streamlined process.
  • Shared payments among lease signers: Look for tools that allow shared payments, simplifying the collection process from roommates.
  • Multiple payment options: Choose tools that offer multiple payment methods, such as credit cards, ACH transfers, mobile payments (e.g., Venmo, PayPal, Zelle), and automatic bank withdrawals, making it easy for residents to pay in the way that’s most convenient for them.
  • Flexible payment options: Opt for tools offering flexible payment plans and discounts to encourage full payment before accounts are sent to collections.
  • Balance adjustments: The ability to adjust balances in response to post-refund changes or disputes is essential to maintaining accurate records.
  • SMS text reminders: Incorporate SMS text reminders in addition to email notifications. Automated text reminders are a quick and efficient way to keep residents informed about upcoming payments, reducing the likelihood of missed deadlines.
  • Real-time reporting: Opt for tools providing real-time reporting and tracking, enabling informed decision-making.
  • Vendor reputation: Work with reputable vendors who understand the unique challenges of the property management industry and offer reliable, effective solutions.

Combining automation tools for maximum efficiency

Integrating shared payments, flexible payment options, and SMS reminders with Roost’s Balance Recovery and other automation tools creates a comprehensive automated receivables management solution. 

This combined approach not only streamlines payment processes but also leverages familiar methods for residents, ensuring a smoother transition and higher recovery rates.

Conclusion: Automating move-out recievables management

Automation is crucial in modern property management, transforming how move-out receivables are handled before hitting collections. By reducing errors, saving time, and improving recovery rates, automated receivables management enhances the experience for all parties involved. 

Roost’s Balance Recovery, combined with security deposit automation and refund vendors, offers a comprehensive solution that protects your property’s financial health.

As property managers face increasing demands, embracing automation will be key to maintaining efficiency, reducing costs, and improving tenant satisfaction. 

Now is the time to evaluate your current processes and consider how automated receivables management can transform your approach to managing move-out recievables. 

Frequently asked questions: Move-out recievables

  1. What are the potential cost savings of using automated receivables management?

While there is an initial investment required to implement automated receivables management tools, the long-term cost savings can be substantial. 

Property managers save on labor costs by reducing the need for manual follow-ups and data entry. 

Additionally, automation increases recovery rates, meaning less reliance on costly collection agencies, which can take up to 50% of recovered amounts. Over time, these savings typically outweigh the upfront expenses, making automation a cost-effective solution.

  1. What challenges might property managers face when implementing automated receivables management?

Transitioning to automated receivables management can present challenges such as initial setup costs, a learning curve for staff, potential integration issues with existing systems, and resistance to change. 

To overcome these challenges, property managers should

  • Work closely with vendors to ensure smooth integration
  • Invest in comprehensive staff training, and
  • Communicate the benefits of automation clearly to gain buy-in from their team.
  1. How much does move-out receivables software cost? 

The cost of move-out receivables technology can vary widely depending on specific features, the size of the property management portfolio, and the level of integration required with existing systems. 

Typically, property management software that includes automated receivables management may involve a combination of a monthly flat fee or a per-unit fee, a success fee based on a percentage of payment recovery, and potential setup fees. 

These costs can fluctuate based on the vendor and the complexity of the system being implemented.